A global leader in sustainable beef production

Learn about Canadian Beef Goals 2030.

Our strengthened commitment to environmental stewardship and protecting our grasslands, species at risk, and other biodiversity is making a difference for communities across Canada.

We've identified an ambitious set of goals outlining how we can improve practices and product quality, enhance natural environments, and use technologies to benefit people's health, safety, and profitability. These goals will continue to enhance sustainability in Canada's beef industry and set targets for continued progress in climate mitigation and food sustainability. And we are on track to meet them. By taking ambitious action and working on innovative solutions, we are making strides towards significantly decreasing the emissions intensity associated with beef production.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an important piece of protecting our environment. That's why we're taking ambitious action and working on solutions to decrease emissions intensity produced by cattle by 33% by 2030.

We've already made significant strides. From 2014 to 2021, we've accomplished a 15% reduction in the emissions intensity associated with producing 1kg of beef (boneless and consumed). Additionally, the land dedicated to raising Canadian beef (of which 84% is pasture) now stores an estimated 1.9 billion tonnes of soil organic carbon. When considering all of Canada's crop and pastureland the majority of Canadian wildlife reside on the same land where cattle graze, using this same space to reproduce and find food.

Beef cattle do a lot for the environment – we want to help them do even more.  

Our ambitious 2030 goals focus on:

Greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon sequestration 

We are enhancing carbon sequestration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

Water and soil quality  

We are preserving wetlands, maximizing water quality and retention, and improving water use efficiency.

Animal health and care

We are leading in the protection of the health and welfare of Canadian cattle. 

People health and safety

We are prioritizing our growing workforce's health, safety, and well-being. 

Beef quality and food safety

We are developing improved food safety interventions and technologies and maintaining consumer confidence and demand.

Technology and innovation

We are investing in growth opportunities in technology and innovation in agriculture.

Land use and biodiversity 

We are protecting and maintaining our native grasslands and ensuring healthy functioning ecosystems.

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